With 5 different technical, trade and vocational schools in Hawaii to choose from and a 9.4% job growth rate, it is a pretty good place to be if you want to be an auto mechanic! Going to school in Hawaii definitely has its perks as well, especially if you are native to the islands. All of the schools offer great discounted rates for students who are from the Hawaiian Islands while students from other states will need to pay higher tuition costs. If you do go to school in Hawaii, you will see that the schools not only do a good job teaching, but also a good job connecting you with potential employers.
As stated above, 9.4% job growth is a great statistic, almost doubling the national projected growth which shows safety and opportunity for current and aspiring auto mechanics in Hawaii. Along with that, Hawaii has one of the highest average salaries in the entire United States which can help you pay to live in an expensive area. Hawaii is just a beautiful and amazing place to live, if anyone has the desire to live there and wants to put in the time and effort to get their automotive technology degree or certificate, Hawaii is the place to go.