Trade Schools in Maine
Auto Mechanic Schools in Maine
Within the Maine auto mechanic schooling experience, students can expect multiple types of learning styles to be used throughout their experience. For example, many classes will start each day or week with classroom lecture then take what is learned into hands-on activities while some will spend first half of the semester doing classroom lecture then finish the rest with all hands-on activities. This is to ensure that everyone can take what they have learned from a book and apply to real-life situations and procedures. Muscle memory is a very important thing, especially when it comes to technical tasks such as this so the more hands-on learning the better.
List of Automotive Schools in Maine
- Washington County Community College, Calais, ME
- Central Maine Community College, Auburn, ME
- Eastern Maine Community College, Bangor, ME
- Northern Maine Community College, Presque Isle, ME
- Southern Maine Community College, Portland, ME
Schools in Maine
Mechanic Jobs in Maine
Projected Job Growth
Working as an Auto Mechanic in Maine
Living in Maine can provide a variety of different salaries for an auto mechanic just depending on where you live. The most northern and eastern parts of the state provide the lowest average salaries, well below the national average. On contrast, the more southern and western you get, the higher the average salary is which means there is more room for pay increase if you continue your education and obtain more degrees and certificates. Lastly, if Maine is where you get your degree but you are eager to leave, many of the nearby states offer great compensation and opportunity for auto mechanics so make sure to check them out.
Job Type | Total in Maine | Average Hourly Wage | Average Annual Salary |
Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics | 3,990 | $18.10 | $37,640 |
Automotive Body and Related Repairers | 770 | $19.88 | $41,340 |
Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists | 1,180 | $21.10 | $43,880 |
Trade Schools Near You
Directory of Maine Schools
Featured Trade Schools in Maine

Washington County Community College
Automotive Technology
Engine Specialist
Heavy Equipment Maintenance
Powersport/Small Engine Technician
and more…
All Mechanic Schools in Maine
School | Address | Programs | More Details |
Central Maine Community College |
1250 Turner Street Auburn, ME 2184 |
Automotive Technology Ford Technician Program |
Eastern Maine Community College |
354 Hogan Rd Bangor, ME 2305 |
Automotive Mechanics Technology Diesel, Truck & Heavy Equipment |
Northern Maine Community College |
33 Edgemont Dr Presque Isle, ME 4769 |
Automotive Collision Repair Automotive Technology Diesel Hydraulics Technology |
Southern Maine Community College |
2 Fort Road South Portland, ME 2118 |
Automotive Mechanics Technology Automotive Chassis System Automotive Powertrain Systems |
Available Grants & Scholarships
Nationwide Scholarships and Grants
Automotive Scholarships and Grants | Location | Description | Deadline |
Future Mechanic Grant | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for aspiring auto mechanics | 12/1/2019 |
Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $2,200 for graduates of New Mexico high school | June each year |
Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarship | Nationwide | Full-Tuition paid for eligible students | March each year |
Federal Pell Grants | Nationwide | Up to $6,195, for low-income households | Varies |
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) | Nationwide | Various, for low-income households | Varies |
Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship | Nationwide | Various, one application for many scholarships | March each year |
Berto Diaz Engineering Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for Mechanical Engineering Students | January each year |
BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $6,000 paid annually in $1,500 increments | March each year |
Brent Strohmeyer Memorial Foundation Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $400 for eligible students | April each year |
GMiS Scholars Program | Nationwide | Various, for underrepresented students in tech | April each year |
SMA Native American STEM Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,500, for Native American STEM students | June each year |
Viceroy Auto Trans Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible students | March each year |
Automotive Hall of Fame Educational Fund | Nationwide | Up to $2,000 for eligible students | June each year |
Clunker Junker Cash for Cars and College Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible female students | Varies |
SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund | Nationwide | Up to $5,000 for eligible students | March each year |
Edward D. Hendrickson/SAE Engineering Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $4,000 for eligible students distributed in $1,000 increments for four years | March each year |
TMC/SAE Donald D. Dawson Technical Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $6,000 for eligible students distributed in $1,500 increments for four years | March each year |
Fred M. Young Sr./SAE Engineering Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $4,000 for eligible students distributed in $1,000 increments for four years | March each year |
Tau Beta Pi/SAE Engineering Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible students | March each year |
Yanmar/SAE Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible students | March each year |
Horatio Alger Association CTE Scholarships | Nationwide | Up to $2,500 for eligible students | June each year |
AmericanMuscle Automotive Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $2,000 for eligible students | June & October each year |
Imagine America Foundation - High School Scholarship | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible students | December 31 of Graduation Year |
Imagine America Adult Skills Education Program | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible students | No Deadline |
Imagine America Military Award Program | Nationwide | Up to $1,000 for eligible students | No Deadline |