You are not required to go to school to work as an Auto Mechanic in North Carolina but you do have to obtain an Automobile Service Excellence (ASE) Certification; however, if you do obtain a degree, you are much more likely to be hired than someone that didn’t go to school. You can also obtain an ASE Student Certification that helps you move along a little quicker than most people. There are 41 options to choose from, one being NASCAR Technical Institute which is very popular in this state.
There are a little over 20,000 auto mechanics in North Carolina alone, and the average salary is $39,000 annually. The typical person in the automotive industry here, work in a repair shop compared to freelancing or working out of their home. The great thing about working as a mechanic here is is that it’s pretty divided in terms of experience. 28% of people 1-4 years of experience, 28% have 5-9 years of experience, 16% have 10-19 years of experience, and 28% have 20 years of experience or more. So regardless if you are a newbie or not, you are very likely to work with people from all around the industry and really have the opportunity to learn from others.