There are many school options in Oregon, some a little more intimate than others. Some of the smaller schools only have about 900 people enrolled in their Auto Mechanic programs, and some schools go as high as 28,000 students enrolled. Most schools require you to be a full-time student with a lot of in-class learning before actually getting into the shop for hands-on learning. In order to provide service in Oregon, you must obtain the Oregon Auto Mechanic Certificate and License, in order to get this you need to have at least a year of experience which your schooling will count towards.
Oregon is known for having mechanics that are very good a quite a few things such as attention to detail, customer service, and problem-solving. All of these are great things to be recognized for and the schools in the area can teach these traits. Mechanics in Oregon make an average of 38-$39k a year, if you become ASE Certified then you can potentially earn more than without the certification. Even though the average pay for a mechanic is a little lower than some other states, most employers offer great health benefits for their employees in Oregon.