Automotive employers in Tennessee typically look for people who have certifications, experience, and education to hire into mechanic or technician roles. Going to a trade or vocational school and getting a degree can certainly give you a leg up when looking for a job. While Tennessee doesn’t have as many auto mechanic schools as other states, they do have a handful that offer a quality education in a real-life work environment. Among the options for the best mechanic schools in Tennessee are Southwest Tennessee Community College, or one of the many campuses of Tennessee College of Applied Technology. These schools offer quality training, certification and opportunities to get connected with mechanic shops upon graduation.
Working as a mechanic in Tennessee can be very rewarding, especially if you continue to work at it for a long time. Most employers will bump your wage or salary up if you have an education or all necessary certificates. Most auto mechanics in Tennessee earn somewhere between $32-$60k per year. One thing a lot of people may not know is that some jobs require you as a mechanic to have a clean drivers record and will not hire you if you have tickets or have past issues with the law. Tennessee is a state with a very vibrant and unique culture and it should not be overlooked when starting your career in mechanics.