Utah is known as one of the best states to receive an education, and there are 10 mechanic schools you can choose from with a 97% acceptance rate. Some of the best schools in the state are Dixie State University, Uintah Basin Applied Technology College, and Utah Valley University. These schools all have 8 primary subjects that they focus on during the course of the programs: automatic transmission/trans-axle, brakes, drivetrain and axles, electrical/electronic systems, engine performance, engine repair, heating and air conditioning, and steering/suspension.
The average mechanic in Utah makes roughly $35k-$60k a year which is a little more than in most other states. Of course that depends on how much experience you have and if you have an education or certifications. If you would like to be a working mechanic in Utah, you do have to receive your refrigerant license, especially if you are going to be working out of your home. Utah is a great place to live if you love the outdoors, especially winter sports as the state is known for having very “dry” snow which is perfect for skiing or snowboarding. Along with that, the state’s mountains have the tallest average height in the nation by over 11,000 feet.