Study Tips for Kinesthetic Learners
Loving to work with your hands is a sign of a kinesthetic learner. Studying can be hard like this. So, here are some study tips for kinesthetic learners.What is the Kinesthetic Learning Style?
The kinesthetic learning style, also referred to as the tactile learning style, is often the preferred learning style for individuals who enjoy working with their hands. Therefore, if you are headed to a mechanic school, you very well may be a kinesthetic learner. Sometimes typical classroom education can be a challenge for kinesthetic learners, so we are here to help! Before we get to any study tips, it is important to know exactly what kinesthetic learning is. Houghton College defines kinesthetic learning as a “learning style that requires you to manipulate or touch material to learn.”
So, if you like to work with your hands, remember and understand things by doing them, or often find yourself tapping your foot or fidgeting in class, the kinesthetic learning style may be for you. Fortunately, most mechanic schools are tuned towards kinesthetic learners. This is because most schools will incorporate actual shop time to apply what is talked about in the classroom. Even though, tactile learners will need to make the most of classroom time in order to apply the learning best. In order to do that, follow these study tips for kinesthetic learners.
Study Tips for Tactile Learners
Create the best space to learn
The first and perhaps most important study tip for kinesthetic learners is to ensure your study space is right for you. Whether you are in class or studying at home, make the most of your space. For hands-on learners, this is extremely important so your space can accommodate any sort of movement you need for learning. Perhaps you like to stand while you learn, see if you can pick a seat in the back of the classroom so you can stand without interrupting the class. Maybe you like to spread out, pick a desk that has a lot of room so you can fit all you need in front of you.

Teach others what you learn
The second of the kinesthetic study tips is a bit harder to do in class but great to do outside of class. If your instructor gives you space to present or do activities where you teach your classmates, take advantage. Teaching the material you are currently learning is an extremely effective tactic for hands-on learners so it is a must. If you do not get a chance in school to do it, make time outside of class to teach your family and friends. When studying automotive technology, this could mean popping the hood of your car in the school parking lot or going over a diagram at lunch time. Just be sure you engage yourself by teaching others in some way!
Find a way to fidget without being distracting
Sometimes fidgeting can be looked at as a negative thing but it is a great study tip for tactile learners. The reason it can be seen in a negative light, is because certain fidgets can be distracting to others. Be sure you check with those around you if your foot shaking or pencil tapping distracts them. If those don’t work for your situation, try chewing gum, handling a squishy ball, or some people like to even fidget with small rocks.
Experiment with different note-taking techniques
Whether you are in class listening to a lecture or reading a textbook, taking notes can help you retain information much better. While some students find note-taking distracts them, most kinesthetic learners find it helpful. One major note-taking tip is to not write down everything your instructor is saying, rather only write down key concepts. Try to create graphs and tables when you can or even translate concepts into small drawings. Incorporating all of these into your notes will really increase retention.
Take physical breaks
The last of the study tips for kinesthetic learners is to incorporate small breaks into your study sessions or long lectures. As a hands-on learner, it can be difficult to sit at a desk for long periods of time. Therefore, every 55 minutes of studying (or as often as you need), take 5 minutes to walk around, do some push-ups, stretch, or eat a snack. The important thing is you get up from you study spot and reset your mind and body to be renewed for the next session of studies.

Be The Best Kinesthetic Learner You Can Be
These study tips for tactile learners can be taken with you throughout your entire life, not just in school. Whether you are working in your career or studying for your ASE certification tests, these will help. It is important to understand yourself and the ways you work. By understanding which ways you learn best, you can start to really grow as a student, employee, and overall individual. If you need some extra help on your way, please feel free to reach out to us! We are dedicated to getting you to grow into the mechanic you want to be.
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